What is Google’s alert “Spike in user-reported spam”?
It’s a notification sent to you as an admin that one or more of your Google Workspace users reported they’re receiving a high volume of spam messages.
What does it mean if a user reports lots of emails as spam?
Google Workspace s telling you that your user(s) have reported spam in their inbox.
It’s not saying that anyone has received spam from your domain.
Why Google Workspace sends this alert to admins?
The number of spam reports indicates that the users may be experiencing a phishing or other abuse campaign.
What action should I take?
Review the user-reported spam data for recent spikes that indicate a possible attack and check for any trends in message content or senders.
Ensure that everyone who uses Google Workspace within your organization knows best practices and what constitutes phishing or suspicious email messages.
You can also block the sender domain and remove existing messages from inboxes.