I’m negotiating a project with a potential client, and he presented me with the following question:
Another one told me that a dedicated IP is not optimal, because for promotional mails, I send 20000 emails each campaign, 8 to 20 times a month. So he recommends a shared IP for promotional emails instead. What do you think about it?
I prefer to avoid clients who collect information from various professionals until they conclude.
I have nothing against you doing research and getting well-informed before deciding to move forward.
However, this practice of “putting to the test” the knowledge of one professional versus another is disagreeable.
Anyway, I thought that it would be an interesting content for us to post here.
So, here’s my answer:
“I disagree. Your sending volume is eligible for a dedicated IP.
According to Amazon SES:
Dedicated IP addresses (standard) | Dedicated IP addresses (managed) — both are suited for customers who send large volumes of email. Most ISPs only track the reputation of a given IP address if they receive a significant volume of mail from that address. For each ISP with which you want to cultivate a reputation, you should send several hundred emails within a 24-hour period at least once per month. In some cases, both types of dedicated IP addresses may also work for smaller volumes of email. For example, they may work well if you send to a small, well-defined group of recipients whose mail servers accept or reject email using a list of specific IP addresses, rather than IP address reputation.
Source: Amazon SES documentation.
According to Mailgun:
Use a dedicated IP if you are consistently sending at minimum 100,000 messages per month. Since it’s just you on the dedicated IP, there’s a certain amount of sending necessary to establish and sustain a solid reputation. Otherwise, sending too few messages can be just as damaging as sending too many messages – mailbox providers treat the IP with suspicion. Consistency is key – this is all about establishing a trust relationship with the mailbox providers to whom you send.
Source: Do I Need a Dedicated IP Address?
Thank you very much,
Let’s wait for the next steps.